Thursday, July 10, 2014

I'm Pregnant !!!

Good News to all my dear friends!! I was waiting for this day.

I did ICSI last month and to day was confirmed i am pregnant!! I feel so happy but nervous as well, but when i was struggling unable to get pregnant i used to wish i could be 'pregnant' at least for one day!! and today I AM!!! i will not worry about tomorrow. Today my dream has come true.

My husband's sperm count was low but there were sperms!! i consider this a personal achievement and also an Achievement for all who have Azoospermia!!

Thank you all for the support and kind words you have given me throughout my journey. I wish you the best and i pray that all of you who yearn for your own biological child should get one , one day.

I will not post any more new posts again since the objective of this blog is achieved.

I will check the blog regularly and reply your comments and queries. Please ask me anything you need to know and please pass the message to all that Ayurveda medicine can cure Azoospermia (of course with blessings of God)

Thank you and Wishing you all the best.


prianca said...

Wow! Congratulations! We just recently found that my DH has Azoospermia and I am totally devastated. Our Dr is already recommending IVF without any further treatment to see if his condition can be cured and I am not sure if I wanna go for it. so confused and so frustrated.
But your story does give hope! Enjoy your pregnancy :-)

Ellen said...

Hi. Glad you found my site. Why are u doing ivf if you dont have sperms? Will u be opting for donor sperm? Are u doing TESA?

Before taking ayurveda treatment my DH had azoospermia. We tried ICSI with TESA without opting for donor sperm. Unfortunately they did not find sperms after the TESA and they had prepared me for ICSI with injections and alll. They retreived eggs and threw it because there were. No sperms. It was sooo traumatic.

Make sure you ask all these ques from u r dr before starting ivf. Good luck.

Ellen said...

Thank you Angela.

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations. I am following your blog since long, and feeling quite happy reading this great news. All your efforts. Enjoy the time!!

It will really help if you can please post your recommendation for similar cases with all your experience of this challenging journey. We are also in same situation, have tried various treatment like TESA, Ayurvedic adn Homeopathy treatment; however, havne't got success till now. Your experience can help us and many more a lot. Please share your recommendation, what path you recommend to follow which helped you.

Thanks again and good luck!!

Ellen said...

hi Anonymous

Thank you!!!! soo much. i felt very emotional reading your comment.

i had given up - almost - when a friend of mine had done IVF because she had infertility issues and got twins. she was the one who coaxed me to try ICSI again. i was so scared because the last time we did ICSI with TESA , it didnt work because i had about 20 eggs and there were no sperms in the TESA.

we too once went to a different Ayurveda Dr and tried at the beginning. her medicine did not give any results.

it was after we went to Dr. Dayani that there were sperms produced.

I will definitely post if i find anything new about this.

i hope to dedicate my life to educate and help people with Azoospermia.

Thank you and Good Luck to you too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ellen. As per your experience, would you recommend to go to Dr Dyani. I think that would be the main turning and deciding point in your journey for solution. Any other recommendation along with, please share.

For Dr Dyani, for how much duration we need to stay there. Or treatment can be continued from distance also.

Thanks for sharing. Good luck. May God bless you!

Caroline @ In Due Time said...


Ellen said...

Thanks Caroline.

Hi Anonymous

Yes. it was Dr. Dayani's medicine that worked for us. we actually went to 3 other Ayurveda Dr's. the first one was before Dr Dayani and there were no sperms. the other two were after Dr. Dayani because i wanted to try some other Dr's too since it was very low sperm count but i felt that Dr. Dayani's treatment was more organised and effective.

As other recommendations i would suggest eating and drinking certain food recommended by the Dr. they are:

**.Cardiospermum halicacabum (Scientific Name) herb juice. commonly called 'Welpenela' in Sri Lanka.
**.Mung Dhal (soaked and later with roots coming out)
**Quail (a bird) Eggs
**.Quail meat

i gave my husband the following regularly. some of my friends have said that they have given Welpenela juice to their husbands and seen the difference too.

please see the post :

Details of the Dr we went to

in this blog.

Alot of my friends abroad ask me how to consult the Dr. unfortunately i dont know. we went to the Dr every month and reviewed the medicine at the beginning. later it was not so frequent. she also gave other types of treatment like oil massages etc. my husband took treatment roughly for about 2 years.

Her email is:

May God bless you too and please ask me anything more you want.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for your encouraging blog and post .
Can you please send us contact detail of Dr. Dayani and where is this clinic. Is this in Sri Lanka?

Ellen said...


her website is

i think you get the address in it.

her email is :

i wish you luck.

Anonymous said...

I am writing to ask about treatment of azoospermia and Is it possible that you oversees the treatment
This Is Diagnosis of my case
Clinical Diagnosis: azoospermia Nature of specimen: bilateral testicular biopsy
Right testicular biopsy, functional azoospermia complete germ cells atrophy, Sertoli cell-only syndrome with minimal focal tubular hyalinosis
Left testicular biopsy, functional azoospermia complete germ cells atrophy, Sertoli cell-only syndrome with minimal focal tubular hyalinosis
I am from Egypt, Dr who oversees the treatment Prof.dr. Yasser el-khayat assistant professor Cairo University
I will be here waiting for your response, and certainly thank you for help and advice

Ellen said...


thank you for the comment. i am sorry but i do not understand your request. by the way i am not a Dr. i am simply the patient. if you could pls. elaborate on your comment it will be useful.

Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, those words on your title made me happy, for a moment I imagined it was my wife, I'm suffering of Azoospermia, I definetely give a try with this dr.


Ellen said...


I wish you the best. Only those of us who have experienced this will understand the true anguish of this problem. Be strong.

Anonymous said...

what is the name of ayurveda medicine name? Is that medicine available in india for Azoospermia.

sarah said...

Hi Ellen

Im so happy to hear about the good news..congratulations
I have actually lost hope in trying to become a mom
my hubs has non obstructive az.and the doc.told me even if a testicular biopsy was done no good sperms could be retrieved as his FSH levels are too high ;from that moment on wards i forgot about the idea of becoming pregnant
but after reading all these stories i think i should visit this doc.

Ellen said...

Thanks and Good Luck.

I m sorry but i do not know the names of the medicine. its best you visit a an Ayurveda Dr who specializes in infertility.

India is the birth place for Ayurveda so I m sure you will be able to find many Drs in India.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am 30 and my wife 25 .. I have found Azoospermia.. then i underwent homeopaethy treatment.. after 8 months.. results where .0001% dead cells.. occasionally..

So i am confused should i wait more.. or go with IVF .. or not. As i do not think i will get sperms? So i think i should wait.. What say ??

Ellen said...

Why dont you try ayurveda?

Unknown said...

Hello, first of all, I would like to congratulate you on your pregnancy. I read this post a couple of months ago and I noticed the date of it being recent. I know another person on this post asked what were the name of the herbs your husband took. If I'm understanding you correct, You are saying that your husband took herbs or medicine for 2 months and you don't recall or know the names of the herbs or medicine? I have a question if I may. How did you find this Dr? Do you live in India or you consulted with her from a different country and she just told your husband what to eat and what herbs to take? I'll be waiting for your response. Thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

Greetings, First off, I would like to congratulate you on your miracle! I came across this blog and seen your post months ago. I just recently seen the date on your response and post. It kind of confused me because they are resent and the last post was a couple of months ago. I have a question for you if I may. How did you find this doctor? Do you live in India or did you consult with her through email from a different country and she gave your husband a diet and advised your husband on what kind of herbs or medication to take? So if I'm understanding correctly, your husband took herbs or medication for 2 months and you don't recall the names or don't know the names of the herbs? Thanks for your response in advance. Sorry if I sound suspicious but I see a lot of people putting up fake post to get business from vulnerable people.

Ellen said...

hello yoyos love

I'm from Sri Lanka. The Ayurveda Dr we went to is also from Sri Lanka.

I'm sorry I don't quite understand your confusion about the dates of the posts.

My husband started Ayurveda medicine in 2009. He took medicine for about 2 years. after that we stopped seeing the Dr. My husband was producing very little sperm at that time. we just took a break.

He continued the Drs diet as much as possible after that.

In 2014 We decided to try IVF treatment. When we checked, his sperm count was still very low, so the western medical Dr we went to said we will have to do ICSI. So in 2014 we did ICSI treatment and it was successful.

I am sorry but I do not know the names of the the medicine. It is not that i don't remember. i simply dont know because the dr makes her own medicine and gives it in little plastic bags.the bags dont have any label. We buy it from her private clinic. Not like western medicine, ayurveda medicine is very traditional. Ayurveda Drs usually dont even advertise them selves. I think this is the norm in traditional medicine.

Hope my answer helps. I understand about your suspiciouns. Its OK.

Please ask me anything more you like. I can only answer as a patient. You will have to see an Ayurveda Dr if you want more medical advice.

Good Luck

Unknown said...

hi allen,
first of all congratulations with your pregnancy,we have gone through your blog and saw a light of hope. My DH is suffering from same medical condition. and so we are planning to come to Sri Lanka for this treatment from dr dayani. It would be great help if you can provide us ur email address or contact no. so that we can talk directly about DH email address is
awaiting yours

Ellen said...

hello mohit garg

Thank you.

I hope things work out well for you. I will be one of the happiest people in this world if it does.

Peoples body and medical conditions differ. It worked for my husband and i am telling the world my experience. I hope it does for others too.

Good Luck

pengobatan azoospermia said...

Thank you already dedicated to give information which is so beneficial for all

Mengatasi sperma kosong

Unknown said...

Congratulation for this amazing moment.
Jannat Online Shopping

Ellen said...

Thank you Jannat Khan

Khan said...

Thanks a lot for sharing your success story.

After your post, we managed to went Sri Lanka and met Dr. Dayani. She is no doubt a very experienced , well organized doctor and it really motivated us to go ahead.
We had initial 2 week treatment and doctor gave 3 months medicine.

I would say, it was because of your post that basically encouraged us to fly to Sri Lanka.

I would recommend every couple to try Dr. Dayani and you will not lose anything..
I will keep you posted of any update.

Ellen said...

I am so happy to see your post Khan. I really do hope that things will work out for you ll. I am happy that my blog was helpful to you.

thank you for commenting and please keep us updated.

Ellen said...

Hello Khan. I hope you will see this comment. Please remember to take the drs medicine. it is terribly bitter and my husband was finding it so hard to have it. but i think its good. also its best follow the other treatments like massages etc etc too.

some friends i know simply give up half way through, because the medicine is hard to take and you need to be patient with the treatment. so please be patient and try to relax.

The mantra i used to follow is no matter what , our destiny will also decide what happens and also that everything happens for the best. this made me relax.

Just a bit of advice to you and Good Luck..

Anonymous said...

Hello Ellen and Khan,

Just found out a month ago, my DH is also suffering from Azzospermia, though my world is totally shattered, i still grip some hope reading your post.
Jannat, can you advice about the treatment, since you've recently been there.
I would like to get in touch with you. My id is
Please help, I'm totally loosing it.. :((

Ellen said...

Hi Anonymous

Please be patient and try to see if there is some treatment. I wish you the best.

Unknown said...

Thank you, those words on your title made me happy, for a moment I imagined it was my wife, I'm suffering of Azoospermia, I definetely give a try with this dr.
Desi Health Tips

Unknown said...

Thank you, those words on your title made me happy, for a moment I imagined it was my wife, I'm suffering of Azoospermia, I definetely give a try with this dr.
Desi Health Tips

Anonymous said...

I'm from Sri Lanka too. We expect baby since 2 years and after did some medical tests. the SFA test gives no sperm count of my husband. After three months we did another SFA test again. It was also give zero sperm count.. We felt so upset. I found your blog when I search about this matter. After seen your story I'm feeling little happy now... I want to ask you how long time did you take medicine from Dr. Dyani???

Pls reply me as soon as possible

Ellen said...

hi sorry for late reply.

we took the medicine regularly for about 2 years. After that we stopped and took a few medicine and also welpenala juice always. tried to stick to her diet also.

we also went to another Ayurveda dr who did something called 'cupping'. that is taking the bad blood from the system.

azoo said...

dont do any think all waste, i tried every thing, even micro tese was unsuccessful

BeeLena said...

Here you will learn what azoospermia definition.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,

Congratulations for your successful journey to becoming pregnant after so many hurdles. I pray you have nice and smooth 9 months and one happy and healthy baby.

We are going through the same issue. My husband has azoospermia, we did FNA mapping with world renowned Dr. Turek but we were diagnosed with Sertoli cells only Syndrome. I wanted to ask you when you did TESA were you guys given any diagnose?

After reading your blog, we went to India and consulted an ayurvedic clinic and they prescribed bunch of medicines. We will see how things go for us in 3 months.

Ellen said...

Hello sorry for the late reply. No after the TESA we did not get any feedback.

I wish you the best. Please let us know the progress.

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Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour said...

I came across this blog while reading something about infertility. Being a doctor i can understand the happiness behind being pregnant. Congratulation and take of you and your baby. As this comments is now on the old post. But i hope he will be healthy and happy. share the image.. :)

Stay Blessed

Anonymous said...


This is a test post.

India said...

Hi We are going through the same situation. Let me know if there is any good news in your case till now.

Ellen said...

Thank you.

Ellen said...

Hello. Sorry for the delay in publ8shing your comment.

bhargava sai said...

brillant piece of information, I had come to know about your web-page from my friend hardkik, chennai,i have read atleast 9 posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your webpage gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i'm already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanx a million once again, Azoospermia Treatment