Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Dr Details

Hi All

Guess... what. we went to a new ayurveda dr. and guess who told me about him? a person who wrote a comment on a previous post in this blog!!! i actually had forgotten about it but recently when i was feeling pretty low i suddenly remembered!!! anyway we went to him and he is a really nice person. he gave my husband some tablets and said 'don’t worry. we will get the mortality better and do an IUI!!' i don’t know what'll happen but i feel happy. so i guess what goes around come around!! ha.. ha.. i was trying to tell all about ayurveda and a person who commented on my post led me to go to another Dr!! This Dr specialises in male infertility. i also told him i had friends abroad who want to know more about ayurveda and he promptly gave me his skype ID and email account and told me that he will be more than happy to talk to you'll. So Dear Friends!! your prayers have been answered too. here are his details.


Good luck and as usual please let me know if you need to know anything.


icypink said...

HI! thank you so much for the updates that you are posting!!! it really helps and gives a glimpse of hope to us who are experiencing the same problem...i hope that a cure for azoospermia will soon be discovered...let's just continue to pray, and do not lose our trust in Him... as what they say, "Ask and you'll receive"...and it should come from the heart. may we all be blessed with what we are praying for!

icypink said...

HI! thank you so much for the updates that you are posting!!! it really helps and gives a glimpse of hope to us who are experiencing the same problem...i hope that a cure for azoospermia will soon be discovered...let's just continue to pray, and do not lose our trust in Him... as what they say, "Ask and you'll receive"...and it should come from the heart. may we all be blessed with what we are praying for!

Ellen said...

hi icypink. thanks. wish you the best too..

male infertility said...

Thanks for the update because your article helps those who suffer as the same problem.male infertility

Ellen said...

your welcome!

Helena said...

Hello Ellen!
How is your treatment going?

Ellen said...

nothing exceptionally new or great is happening. the sperm count fluctuates a little up or down. thats all.

i wish i had the courage to do ICSI. i wish i had the courage to stop wishing things were different and stop looking at the woman who is pregnant and not say 'why not me?'. i wish i had the courage to stop thinking about my age and wishing my next b'day will not come too soon.

i wish i had the courage to stop thinking that i am unlucky.

i also wish my husband was more enthusiatic and supportive. he does come for treatement but is more or less disconnected when the baby talk comes. he occupies him self with other work and ignores. when i press him to 'shall we talk' he kind of implies i should get over the fact that the baby may never come or imply i should think of an IUI with donor sperm. grr.. i dont know anymore. thanks.

Helena said...

Too many "whys"... I think we may never answer them... At least let's do our part. Then we will carry no regrets, ifs, or shoulds, no matter what is reserved for us. I will keep hoping for that big yes.
We got started on ayurveda, but I would go for another ICSI try.
I also have ups and downs mood, but when the downs come, I try to abstract. Then life goes on, and soon the ups return. Don't get too crazy. Keep on going. Do what you can. What you cannot, is not on your hands anyway.
Try some yoga and breathing technique to keep calm. Helps me a lot.
Wishing you love, and hoping your dreams and prayers to come true.

Ellen said...

thanks Helena. i know what you mean. I am just abit bothered with some other things thats heppening in my life not related to the baby. i think thats why i sound so low. i will keep cool and i know its not in our hands at the end. its in Gods hand. Thanks for your advice and wishes. All the best to you too.

Rozena said...

Hey.... Did this doctor finally helpt you? Do you think I should call him? Can he really help us?

Ellen said...

hi. i've given the details in my post. best of luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,

Thank you for creating this blog and helping others who are going through the same problem. Unfortunately I could not find the details of this new Dr, Can you please post it for me?

Appreciate all the help.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,

Can you please post the new Dr details for me? Thank you in advance

Ellen said...


i m sorry i didnt reply before.

i purposely deleted the new drs details because his treatment didn't work for my husband and i didnt think much of him. after taking his medicine there was no improvement in the sperm count.

I didnt want to embarrass the dr by having his name on my blog because in my next post i say that i am going back to the old dr.


Olivia Hamilton said...

Thanks for sharing your update with us.
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Anonymous said...

Ayurveda or Ayurvedic Treatment is oldest formula to fight against ailments it’s really effective we should use Ayurvedic Medicines which are so beneficial for us and there is no any side-effect.
Thank You

Ellen said...

Yes luthra. I too beleive thats true. Wish someone will come forward to make it popular.